On systematic short time..does redundancy apply?


Registered User
Hello all,

I have been working in a full time position for 6 years. Last December, I went on 2 days a week and get JSB for the other three days. I now get the vibes that due to business not doing well that I may lose my job, probably at the end of summer......I am just guessing, nothing concrete has been said by my boss!

If it happens, it happens and as I am not the main earner, it is not a MAJOR problem (I definintely would not qualify for JSA due to other half in a very well paid job, TG). However, just wondering, if this situation arises, would I be entitled to a redundancy? and how long afterwards would I still receive JSB? I understand that my situation NOW is systematic short time and I would receive JSB for about 2 years.

If the job goes completely, how long would I receive JSB? and for how long? Would it still end after the 2 year period?
