new mortgage after having restructure


Registered User
Hi we previously had mortgage arrears going back a few years from my husband wasn’t working. We were sold to Start mortgages from tsb and they have been fine to deal with. We hadn’t missed any further payments and so they agreed to restructure our mortgage allowing us to extend the term by two years. However my question is if we wanted to sell our home and clear the mortgage, with the remaining balance we Would be looking to buy elsewhere will we be able to get a small mortgage to aid this. Or is there a specific timeframe we have to wait.. The area we live in is getting very rundown and honestly it is not a safe area where I want my children to grow up fearful of leaving their home. it was never meant to be our forever home and the prices will start to drop drastically. I’m just looking for some advise if possible. Our credit report is showing no missed payments and we were able to get a car on finance a few months ago.