Med 2 form


Registered User
Hi guys , I have been given a Med 2 form by my dentist , I was informed to send it to revenue to claim tax back , When looking into it it seem,s it is just a receipt , I thought something was amiss when the only personal info on it was my pps number , I have asked the dental nurse twice but I think she is in a new role and the communication is not great , Is there some other form I need to fill in with bank details etc , I have spent a lot of money on the treatment plan by shopping local rather than going abroad so hope to get something back , Thanks in advance for any help.
When you do your Form 12 or Form 11 tax return, you include the amount from the Med2 form, in order to claim tax relief.
Hi Pablo123,

You can claim for your medical expenses either on or by completing the necessary form as mentioned above. The easier option is online.

Citizens Information explain how to claim here.

Apply online​

If you are a PAYE (Pay As You Earn) taxpayer, you can claim tax relief online using myAccount.

If are a self-assessed taxpayer, use Revenue Online Service (ROS) and complete the health expenses section on your annual Income Tax Return (Form 11).


You can only claim for medical expenses if you have receipts to prove your claim. For dental expenses, your dentist should complete Form Med 2 (pdf) for you to use as a receipt.

Revenue's myAccount service includes a receipts tracker service which allows you to store your receipt details online. If you use this service, you can claim tax relief under the Real Time Credit service. This means that you can claim for health expenses and nursing home expenses when you pay them and get increased tax credits in your next payroll payment from your employer. You can make a Real Time Credit claim using myAccount.

If you don't use the receipt tracker, you must keep your medical receipts for 6 years because Revenue may ask to see them.

Apply offline​

You can also claim medical expenses relief offline by completing a paper Form 12 (pdf) and returning it to your Revenue office. If you are not able to use Revenue’s online services you can use Form 12S (pdf) (a simplified version for routine tax returns). You can also request to have a Form 12 or Form 12S sent to you by calling Revenue on (01) 738 3675 or by emailing [email protected].