MBNA Mastercard Call


Registered User
Got a call from an incredibly persistent women from MBNA the other day about offering me the opportunity to apply for their mastercard.

She simply would not give up. blah, blah, blah.... Then told me about how i could save by transferring some of my other balances to them.

Finally i said "fine, i'll switch ...if you can match my AIB rate".
Woman: "oh, i'm sure we can. What rate do you have now?"
Me: " well, i have the platinum card, so 10%"

Me: "hello, hello......"

ahh! the blissfull sound of silence.

Strange how quickly that shut her up.
Makes me want to cancel my existing MBNA account now.
Best to make the interest rate charged of academic importance by clearing your bill each month before interest charges apply - i.e. using a CC as a cashflow management tool rather than a source of medium/long term credit (other than the interest free period).