Laya Laya Care Select


Registered User
I got some excellent advice from Snowyb that saved me hundreds of Euro by moving it Laya Care Select from my previous Laya policy.

I want to retain similar cover at the best possible price. I have pre-existing conditions (lung and eye) that are covered by Laya and if moving provider would need to understand if this would be affected.

There are no price reductions this year, only price hikes, especially in January.
There is one alternative cheaper option to consider, which was mentioned last year, Laya Simplicity plan.

Simplicity plan; price 1370pa( january price) same hospital cover as before but there is a capped inpatient excess 100 x 2 max per year for all
private admissions. Day case excess 50 per procedure. Good day to day cover included, but the first 100 not allowed.
Any other cheaper priced plans would not have private room cover in a private hospital, just semi-private room.

Regards, Snowyb