Late payment of CGT


Registered User
have looked on the Revenue website (and have rang Revenue too) with no luck and was hoping someone on AAM might know this off the top of their head!

If I make a disposal which is subject to CGT and I don't pay the CGT due by the specific dates set for for paying same (31 Oct/31 Jan), what interest is applied on the tax payable?

I know there is a surcharge (5% rising to 10%) for not making the return on time but I could not find what penalties/interest are applied to the actual tax liability after the deadline.

any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Graham_07. Do you happen to have a reference for same?

Like you Ihaven't been able to pin it down on a google search so I haven't got the exact tax reference for the current rate. However I took that rate from Chart 12 on page C-15 of the Irish Taxation Institute's Taxation Summary for 2006. It has the current and previous rates back to 1971 on it. HOpe this is a help.
if you get the payment in asap, you might not be charged interest