Justcover.ie "2 for 1" travel insurance special offer


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In case it's of any use to anybody Justcover are running a special offer at the moment.
Easter Special Offer - 2 for the price of 1
Couples - Buy your Annual Multi Trip Couple Policy by 10 April 07 and we will insure
you and your spouse/partner for the price of one
Families - Buy your Annual Multi Trip Family Policy by 10 April 07 and we will insure the
Family at the normal Couple rate
Buy Now
As it happens this was opportune for me as I needed to renew our annual multi-trip worldwide cover anyway around now so this saves c. €20 on the normal renewal premium. We were with them last year too.

As ever when it comes to insurance make sure that the terms & conditions suit your specific needs and don't shop around on price alone.

Disclaimer: I have no vested interest in Justcover other than as a customer.