Inheritance tax and pub


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My mother in law was left a pub by her aunt about 25 years ago. The building was in need of repair, so a loan was taken out to do this. Mother in law never worked the pub, she rented it out to cover the loan. Theres about 3 or 4 years left on the loan.
My mother in law wants to will/gift my wife the pub. At some stage in the future my wife and I would like to take over the running of the pub. With a rise in inheritance tax on the way, What would be the most tax efficient way of my mother in law giving her daugher the pub?
We're meeting a solicitor on friday to discuss this, but if anyone could give me a quick heads up before this I'd appreciate it.

Cheers ,

But there are a number of taxes to consider

Capital Gains Tax:
The gift of the pub is subject to CGT.
Be aware of the need to get a CG50 Clearance Cert in certain circumstances.

Capital Acquisitions Tax:
The gift is subject to CAT. You need to investigate if the property will qualify for Business Asset relief.

Stamp Duty:
The gift is subject to stamp duty. [broken link removed]

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Other sites do not permit posts on property related taxes so you should always seek professional advice.
This website contains some general information based on Irish taxation law and practice. However it is not intended to provide formal taxation or commercial advice and it is not intended to create a client relationship with users of the site.
This website does not accept any liability for any action taken in reliance on the information in the website, or on any linked site, and strongly recommends that specific formal advice be taken in relation to taxation issues before any steps are taken that may have taxation implications.