Improving broadband speed


Registered User
I know I could contact one of the providers and negotiate a new bundle and that this might well result in getting better broadband speeds, etc.

But I'm just trying to understand something else. Apologies in advance as this will be spectacularly inarticulate!

A year or so ago, an Eir technician called to the house to fix a fault on our line. He said that I should contact "someone" (meaning some company) and request that the better-quality broadband line that is available in our area be brought to our house. I'm really sorry that I can't explain this better or that I can't remember who the "someone" was......I'm just hoping that some kind soul here will know enough to put the above crumbs together! Does this make any sense!
Maybe he meant try to find out if there's fibre (to your home or at least to the local street cabinet) that should give better speeds than old copper wire? Or try Virgin Media who use their own high speed cabling?

Might help if you give us an idea of where you're located, who you're with now, what sort of speeds you're getting and what providers are available to you (try for the latter).
@JimmyB99 - enter your eircode here and/or here to see if you have fibre in your area or if it's coming to your area (no need to specifically go to Eir if they show that you have fibre in the area). There are a lot of suppliers out there, so check (as @ClubMan mentioned) or
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