High Court: Parties can continue to live together after decree of divorce


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The High Court has granted a decree of divorce to a couple who will continue to live together in the family home under the terms of their settlement agreement.

[Gillian O'Hanlon BL - in Irish Legal News.]

This is just the top of the article which is the summary.

"Delivering judgment for the High Court, Mr Justice John Jordan determined that “if a couple can be considered as living apart from one another while living in the same dwelling provided that they are not living together as a couple in an intimate and committed relationship… it is difficult to see any principled objection to a similar arrangement continuing by agreement after a decree of divorce is granted”.

[Section 15(2)(a) of Divorce Act 1996 was not to be interpreted as a prohibition on living together on divorce - a fair assessment. ]
R v M [2023] IEHC 748 - if you want to read the judgment paste into: https://www.courts.ie/search/judgments/"implied term type:Judgment" AND "filter:alfresco_radio.text"?page=1
and click box judgment text - it wont find it under judgment.