Health Insurance for the 1st time in age of 46


Registered User
Hi there.
Sorry for silly question (at least for some of you)
I never had any health insurance. Never needed it, but you know... In certain age you become more vulnerable, so I was thinking that might get an insurance just in case.
So my question is:
- what should I be looking for?
- how much should I pay to get decent cover
- if I'm insured will I get covered for any health issue?
- how about dentist - does it cover too?

Thanks in advance
This may help
re your questions.
Its a nightmare area

I think the cost of this may frighten you so have a browse of the different products first. My neighbour pays 8,000 per annum for two adults.

There will be a waiting period for both general medical state and especially any pre-existing.
Dental is available as a bolt on but its more big dollars

The essence of health insurance is that it allows you skip the queue for most elective stuff.
To illustrate I was last Friday with my 87 year old father in law to see a consultant who was paid cash to see, ie no health insurance.
A procedure was suggested and he told us go book in with the secretary.
She asked: private or public: we said public: she said 18 month to 2 years.
I said private: she said Tuesday at 10.

Then there are some policies which have more of an inpatient focus, so maybe you get a better room etc etc.
Other policies have more of an out patient focus.
Then some policies cover all hospitals for everything, others cover only some procedures on some hospitals.
Finally the policy terms change very month so quotes are only valid for till the end of the month the quote is issued.
Hope this helps
Thanks @ircoha
It's all seem to be very complicated.
8k a year? Do they offer life after death?yeah

I need dig deeper into that as I don't wanna pay to much but need something.
Thanks again for your help
Ur welcome. Some folk just put the money aside and dont carry the insurance. Also I gather that all policies now have a in hospital limit of 180 days per annum, the implications I have yet to get my head around