Have you ever sold something on ebay?

Henny Penny

Registered User
Just wondering ... have bought some stuff but never sold anything. Sitting here in my study surrounded by Mr. HP's junk I am tempted to dip a toe in the ebay ocean ... make a bit of cash for my hols in 2 weeks time. Would like to hear other experiences please.
I've sold about 15 items on Ebay. Never had any problem - just remember for large items to ensure you make it clear that you will only post to certain areas (unless they email you first and come to an arrangement). For simplicity of payment you really cant beat using Paypal www.paypal.com and they now allow you to withdraw funds to an Irish bank account. Note that with Paypal you are charged a sellers fee (about 3%). But payment is instant.
Haven't sold myself but lots of info on ebay itself and on the web. Need to think about payment, but I think paypal solves most problems. Some tips I saw that I thought were good:
- list your item as being available in the UK (rather than just IRL), opens up a much bigger market. Might not be as important now that ebay.ie has started. Should check the postage costs to UK before posting also.
- Time the ending of your auction, apparently Sunday evening is a very busy time, so an auction which finishes then will get more eye balls.
- think like a buyer. What category would you expect to find something under, what key words would you expect to see (title is v.important), what info should be in the ad (pictures are good).
