Have NIB stopped sending out statements?


Registered User
I have a current account, joint account with herself & Visa account with NIB. THe last statement I can find for my current account is April, the joint account is June. I'm a bit of a control freak re paperwork like this, so it is unlikely that I've mislaid all of them. I had to ring them up last month looking for my Visa statement, and was told that it had been 'returned to sender'. They sent out a replacement one in a week or so. Now this month I still haven't recieved a statement.

I recall that when they switched over to the Danske eBanking system at Easter, I received some electronic statements in pdf form via the new system, but I didn't think that this was in place of the usual paper statements.

I'm going to ring them obviously - not sure if they man the call centre at weekends. But has anyone else had similar problems?
If you signed up for the electronic statements that's why they're no longer sending you the paper ones - it's in the registration agreement for that service. That's what stopped me from doing so. They've 3 separate registration agreements and I only signed up for the basic ebanking, not the electronic mailbox or the subscription service, so I still get paper statements.
As an eBanking user you have the facility of an electronic mailbox. When you log on to eBanking you can access your electronic mailbox, where you can view information from the Bank and items such as account statements. These account statements would take the place of your existing printed statements.
I received some electronic statements in pdf form via the new system, but I didn't think that this was in place of the usual paper statements.

If you really want to - you can print off the pdf's, I think that is where the bank is coming from. I receive only pdf's. saves wasting a lot of paper. I never looked at the paper statements as I daily reconciled the balance on e-bankinge to a spreadsheet record i have of all transactions. Best way of budgeting too.
THanks for pointing me in the right direction, Cobalt, but this gets curiouser and curiouser. I checked out my electronic mailbox (ticking the 'show documents read' box) and the only statements I can see are for May & June - nothing more recent than that. And these relate to my main current account - nothing at all for my joint account. My wife doesn't use eBanking and she too is missing statements.

I wasn't able to get through to anyone today (though I swear their Visa centre used to be open on Saturdays), so I'll have to email my branch contact for Monday morning.
We went from monthly statement to nothing, on investigating we got told we were marked as 'annual statements'!
Ring and check that when the upgrade took place your statement preference was updated correctly.
But saying that we've gone to online banking (have to admit their set up is really user friendly), and have only filed the statements since.
Perhaps NIB are reading AAM. The Sept statement for my current account came into my eBanking mailbox in .pdf format, but there are still a couple of missing months in between.
Was it just a September statement, or did it have transactions from the months when you got no statements too, which would suggest they've moved you to quarterly statements?
Good suggestions, Damson - but, no - Just the Sept transactions in that statement.

Cheers - RainyDay