Green Burial Grounds


Registered User
Are there any designated 'green burial' grounds in Ireland and if so where? As I'm in my mid-50's I am thinking about making a Will. I've tried to be environmentally-friendly thus far in life but am sensible that as time gets shorter and the body gets more worn I approach the point where I will (reluctantly!) become a car-owner/driver again.

One space remains in our family plot in a Dublin cemetary (by dint of my mother preferring cremation) which is available to me. I've found the 'turf-wars' over burial grounds here in the UK and in other parts of the world distressing; there's an argument currently about an ancient burial site in Ballyfermot which I knew and loved (used to play hide-and-seek in) as a child.

The only place I've ever really desired as a last resting place is an ancient monastic burial-place right on the shore at Dingle County Kerry but I've never been able to get information about whether it is possible to arrange a burial there now.

Some years ago a colleague in the hospital where I work talked about putting directions for a Green Burial in her Will. From her account, it involved being wrapped in a woven willow 'shroud' and a relatively shallow burial, with a sapling tree planted above the remains. She was Church of England and had planned for an other-wise conventional church ceremony with a Vicar.

I wondered how the Catholic church stood on this one - outside 'consecrated ground' etc. I'm not a practising Catholic, though despite my best efforts remain deeply spiritual, trawling all and every world religion for any help they can provide in the tricky job of negotiating life's moral maze.

Any information, observations, thoughts, advice out there?
Hi Marie !
The Dutch have a long tradition in alternative burrials . The greenest way-in my opinion-is the old sailors grave . But try this web page : [broken link removed] It starts in Dutch but read on .
Heinbloed - Thank you for this. The Natural Death Centre sounds worth joining. I've just learned that burial on one's own freehold land is also legal (so long as the decomposition will not affect the water-supply).