Gift ideas for Best Man?


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Hi, I'd like to give my Best Man a gift, something that will last. I was given a pocket watch previously when I was a Best Man and love it but would like to get something different, something along those lines though. Anyone received or heard of any good ones?! Thanks.
Hi, I'd like to give my Best Man a gift, something that will last. I was given a pocket watch previously when I was a Best Man and love it but would like to get something different, something along those lines though. Anyone received or heard of any good ones?! Thanks.

most people usually go for watches, as they last a long time and are a good reminder, i think a nice wristwatch for the groomsmen is also a nice gesture, and wont be forgotten.
I was best man for my brother last year and he got me a set of cufflinks - a '7' and '8' - that represented by birth year (1978).

I thought it was different and kinda cool!
I gave my best man and groomsman a newbridge moneyclip and cufflinks which we all wore on the day...
Save your money and buy your future wife a nice pair of diamond earrings. Have always thought that presents for Best Man etc were a bit extravagent.
I heard of someone recently who gave their best/grooms men swiss army knives - the one with loads and loads of uses. It was really well received.
I was at a wedding recently as a Groomsman and received a set of cufflinks with my initials on them, made of silver. Thought they were a very simple and long lasting present.

Also, my brother was Bestman and got a set of cufflinks from

He was american, she was Irish. He loved them and they reminded him of Ireland and his bride.
Ah yes, the eternal groomsman gift. It's always a toughie that people end up settling for the most common gifts on. The most popular gifts are watches, cufflinks and knives but rather than making the best man conform to tradition, why not give him something that he wants?

There's the toys and outings for big boys option at but if he's the caring type (i.e. one that cares about the world) check out If he's a picky eater or passionate about food, what about They do vouchers. has a directory of gift shops/suppliers in their "pink pages" section that you can trawl through for inspiration.

Best of luck!
I got a "pint" for doing best man for my friend, and I got him a pint back when he did it for me. Both agreed beforehand and worked out great - no hassle of buying crap gifts (that you will never use) and no expense of same...

I got my best man a nice fountain pen. He's a solicitor so I figured he would always have good use for it. Came with a desk holder and a nice presentation case.