Getting Some Graphic Design Work Done


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I'm looking at starting up a business in Oz. I'll be here for a few years. The business involves putting display units in hotels, which in turn have credit card sized ads on display. The cards fold out into 4, 6 & 8 pages. I've just sold my own business here. I used to sell advertising space & design it myself. The ads didn't need to be high spec so what I put together was grand. This time I'll be looking to sell to a different type client - Car Hire Places, Telecom Companies, Local Areas of Interest, Local Shows etc. I'm looking to get a sample of templates together which I could use. For example, I might get a Casino Type ad together. I use Quark & Adobe Photoshop. If I had the template & I had a meeting with the "Melbourne Casino", I'd just edit the details of the generic Casino Type ad & insert the clients details. The exact same for car hire etc. I'd need somebody design some templates in Quark which I could then use myself. I'm thinking that the cheapest way of getting this done is for someone to do it for me as a nixer? If you know of someone who might like to do this work on the side, get them to PM me.
I am a graphic designer and have been in business for the last 9 years. I could setup the templates for you. I’d obviously need a little more detail in what you’re looking for but I am profficient in both Quark and photoshop.
My site is currently under construction but if you need to view any previous work I can email it on to you.

Colm Flood