Fund portfolio performance



Just thought I 'd share with with you all, got a output of my portfolio performace, started last March, last fund bought in October

Invesco Perp High Inc +5%
Midas Balanced Income -1%
M&GRecovery A Fund +2.4%
Invesco Perp High Inc +5%
Gartmore China Opps +57%
Invesco Perp High Inc +3.2%
Neptune Russia +14%
SL Inv Select Property Funs -17%

Overall – it made a return of 8.1% in total. Select Property fund let me down a bagfull....ggrrr. and Mida Balanced Income was also supposed to be very low risk...
I hope M&G Recovery will make some gains this year as Neptune Russia but I think China has peaked.
Just thought I 'd share with with you all, got a output of my portfolio performace, started last March, last fund bought in October
3-10 months is a very short period of time over which to be judging the performance of such investments...
Most interesting. How did you decide on this asset allocation? From looking at the funds, I make it you’ve invested in sterling-denominated equities; some sterling-denominated debt; emerging markets; and sterling-denominated commercial property. Does this not expose you to a lot of GBP currency risk? (unless you intend to spend it all in the UK).
I live in Co Tyrone so thus the sterling. The Property fund was European Property but I'm locked into it now. I've no plans to invest any more for another 3/4 months, still believe the markets have a bit more to go down yet. Possiby look at some US funds then..