Fault condoms on the market - Baby Recall!

Re: Lacklustre response

High profile brands like Durex not doing enough (or anything?) to address or prevent this kind of thing.

Hi Rebecca,

Did you read NatChessmen's bit on this? The Durex company is a victimin this instance. I imagine that since the reputation and profits of the company are at stake that the company are taking it very very seriously.

If you want to blame someone blame the criminals who did the manufactured and smuggled the goods, blame the intermediaries who introduced the contraband into the system, blame the pharmacies who bought the products, blame the regulators, blame customs and excise for not interdicting the goods. But dont blame one of the victims of the crime.

As an aside does anyone remember the "the Irish Solution to the Irish Problem" this involved condoms being supplied through Pharmacies on foot of a Doctor's prescription. The Irony of it all!

Re: Lacklustre response

Hi R

What exactly do you think Durex sould have done in this instance? they are being ripped off big time, brand in the sewer loss of consumer confidence this is a disaster for them ... how you an blame them for this is ridiculous.

I agree with you on some of the points re the pharmacists though some of your points are spurious (pharmacists / cartel / doctors / big pharma rant rant) none of which is relevant to this argument as condoms are GSL (General Sales Ledger) items. no prescription no pharmacist assist required.

The real criminals are the counterfeiters (in China allegedly), distributors (who must be regional) and retailers that participated in this crime.

I've not kept up with this case in the press, so can anyone tell me who many retailers are implicated?

At some point some distributor in ireland must have taken delivery from a dodgy truck in the middle of the night with no documentation.
Whoever that was should be found and prosecuted for manslaughter if it turns out for example that someone got AIDS as a result of his/her actions.
Durex response

The manufacturer side is only part of this scandal that I am taking issue with; I'm not saddling them with all the blame but I'm not excusing them their responsibility in producing such a critical product. Mostly I just don't think it's being taken seriously enough by anyone (yet, maybe it's a slow grower). While it's nice for them to have such ready defenders, the victims in this are not Durex; they are the people who wind up with (at best) a product they can't use or (at worse) dead or infected with an incurable disease or with an unwanted pregnancy. They are the victims in my book.

What I would like Durex to do? I would like them to respond to this far more forcefully (and that's them in person, not their lay defenders :) ). I would like to hear that they are having emergency meetings with depts of health because they are so worried as victims of this crime and at how easily faked their product was and the fatal consequences that might result. I would like to hear exactly how they go about avoiding such clever counterfeits. What do they really care anyway? It's a few thousand out of how many billion they sell daily? Nobody can prove it's their fault and anybody who tries is pooh-poohed. It's reminds me of the joke about service on faulty coffins.

Like I said, the Durex aspect is only a part of the mess though. But a mess it is. Wish I could be a bit more relaxed but I suppose I should be lucky that I'll only be worrying twice as much about the safety of every bit of nooky for a while. It could be a lot worse.


You have 2 choices Miss. R.

1. Become a nun. It has its perks; you get to drive the smallest cars in the world and you are also allowed drive them worse than any other drivers on the road.

2. Use battery driven devices instead of men. Also has its benefits; it never falls asleep 10 secs after nookie and it doesn't suffer any issue after drinking booze....
I think I'll pass on the convent, nifty vehicles notwithstanding.

Himself won't be too impressed with option 2 either. Suppose I will have to go to "Good Deals/Bad Deals" section to find value in battery operated devices. Hope they don't send me to Ebay!!! :p
