Ex not paying towards mortgage and arrears are building

Sorry, I should have clarified that he could have demanded it but wouldn't succeed for a while. Eventually he probably would succeed.
I know of such a case last year, my sibling, divorce, spouse living in property court ordered to sell or pay X% which was done. Sibling was told by solicitors and barristers, and other legal people since, that they were very lucky to get the court order they got. But the years of stress were incredible.
I need to know is this right he is getting away with not paying a penny towards a joint mortgage?, making out that his living expenses take priority, yes he has to live but we all have choices.
You are implying that what? He should make a choice to do what exactly? Surely he is entitled to live somewhere decent? He might think it unfair you are living in a large house that he has contributed to.

As regards the kids going to or from college/school. Are they not able to manage this themselves. And if you can't afford to pay for a €200 debs ticket then tell the child this. Paying your mortgage or house insurance is more important.

Very hard to give proper advice without facts and figures. Emotion has to be left out of making sound financial decisions.

(Well done on getting out of a messy situation and getting yourself back on your feet).