EU national working in Ireland


Registered User
Is an EU national working in Ireland but family living in the workers home country entitled to child benefits monthly and quarterly payments.

Are they also entitled to claim for the "homecarers" credit against their tax.

What else are they entitled to.

If they decide to leave Ireland and return home can they make voluntary contributions (payments) in order to qualify for the State pension at 65.
Child Benefit will be paid for the children of EU citizens working in Ireland (even if the children are still in the home country). WARNING!! This is a very slow and tedious process and can take up to 2 years. (Huge Backlog) Meantime you are asked to discontinue collecting Child Benefit Payment in your home country. Re Voluntary Contributions Conditions: 1 You must have paid your last payment or credit in Ireland 2 You must not have an obligation to pay PRSI in another EU country 3 You must have at least paid 260 payments made 4 You must apply within 12 months of your last PRSI payment to become a voluntary contributor. This is a serious test of patience and endurance. Keep copies of all forms and correspondence. Good Luck!!!