Laya Essential Connect Family - what better options are available?


Registered User
Our current Laya plan for 2 adults and 2 children is the Essential Connect Family plan, costing €182 per month, renewal in January. We have a foster child to add to our policy and it would appear that maybe a change of plan is needed? The Flex 500 plan for adults appears to offer better hospital cover but with increased excesses and the Flex 125 plan for children seems sensible, pay for 1st child and other 2 are free.

Am I missing anything here or are there better alternatives available? Luckily we're all in good health and haven't been near a hospital in years.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Your analysis is bang on. Flex 500 Explore is the cheapest plan which covers all 3 levels of hospital cover. Once you're happy with the 500 excess,
its a very good choice. The laya childrens offer is very good value, either Flex 125 Explore 269pa( hospital cover only) or Flex 125 Choice 410pa,
(hospital and gp cover etc). Both plans mean pay for first child and the rest are free. This offer applies upto and including April 30th 2016.

The advantage of Laya is that they allow you to change plans mid-year, outside of renewal date, which means you can avail of any good offers
during the year.

Regards, Snowyb
Many thanks SnowyB, health insurance is a minefield so always nice to have something confirmed by those more knowledgable!