Emails from SKY TV with no unsubscribe.....Legal?


Registered User
I keep getting emails from SKY......

“here are your latest rewards from Sky VIP”

There is no unsubscribe link on the email. This infuriates me.
What can I/Should I do about it?

Not a sky customer, but i have something similar from an airline Air miles card.
My understanding is they don't have to allow you unsubscribe, because receiving emails is a condition of being a member of the programme. If I want to stop the emails I have to cancel my card.

I'm not sure if the sky VIP rewards might be similar, and you just need to log into account to remove yourself from the programme.
If you have a mySKY account, you should be able to edit preferences to opt out of emails, offers etc.
There is no unsubscribe link on the email. This infuriates me.
What can I/Should I do about it?
You should chill out a bit for one if this is enough to infuriate you!
As stated above, you should be able filter these to SPAM on your side to avoid seeing them in your inbox. Alternatively contact SKY (try ) to see if they can help.
I routinely block unwanted emails and send them on their way to email hell: the spam section. Get thee hence to endless night. As Milton might say. If he had email in the 16th century.;);):D