Email- cannot access attached document.


Registered User
Have received an important email with an attachment that I need to view, when I try to open it, this messages appears
"Cannot acces the document xxx. The document may be already open or it may be a read only doc. The name and path may no longer exist, or it may already be open. If you run works from a network you may have to wait until someone else closes works"

I have only the one computer so the network thing does not apply I think.
Anybody any ideas?
What email package/service are you using? Can you save the attachment somewhere and try to open it from there instead?
Try saving the attachment. I'm assuming that you're using outlook (sorry I don't use it anymore) but if memory serves me correctly you go file or edit and save attachments.

If it's read only, that's fine, it will open it but if you want to edit it you will need to save it under a different name.

However, I thinks this maybe the most likely:
Check how the person sent it to you. Sometimes people think that they've sent you a document, but acutally they've sent you a short cut. So need to look at the file extension on the document. For word it's .doc, excel is .xls, or maybe .pdf. I think that the extension for a shortcut comes up as .url, but I can't remember - and I'm on a mac these days.

Let us know if you still can't open it and check the file name/extension.

Thanks for all the help, bankrupt and Dem. have been messing about with it (it says its a .xrl document). An empty spread sheet would open when the message appeared, after a bit of messing (i don't know what i did!) the content appeared, so all is well in the world. Thanks again