"Doomsday Economists should commit suicide "


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Quote Bertie from 2007.....

"Sitting on the sidelines, cribbing and moaning is a lost opportunity. I don't know how people who engage in that don't commit suicide because frankly the only thing that motivates me is being able to actively change something"

History will show this comment not just for been sheer distasteful but also showing how fu**cking far his head was up his own hole , what a plonker when all the crap that is coming to the surface today was going on then and not heeding the warnings but stand up in Dail Eireann with these soundbites , really annoys me !!!!!!

Just hope our current leader is not doing the same today .

Isn't he still getting some massive pension, and expenses and wages? despite everything he's done? (or didn't do)

I find that revolting.
In any other country, he'd be locked up, but we seem to tolerate low standards in high places here -- one law for the rich, one law for the poor, and no law at all for politicians on the take (sorry, making money on the horses).
Best of all though, there is a strong feeling in Feena Fawl that Bertie is their best hope to win the presidency next time out, and they're probably right!
We get what we deserve!
In any other country, he'd be locked up, but we seem to tolerate low standards in high places here -- one law for the rich, one law for the poor, and no law at all for politicians on the take (sorry, making money on the horses).
Best of all though, there is a strong feeling in Feena Fawl that Bertie is their best hope to win the presidency next time out, and they're probably right!
We get what we deserve!

Not so sure about that..... there's the little matter of a tribunal report to come out first. Having said that, looking at the Darby O'Gill folks with David Davin Power at the Ard Fheis at the weekend he'll be garaunteed the 40% core Fianna Fail vote anyway................

Isn't he still getting some massive pension, and expenses and wages? despite everything he's done? (or didn't do)

Berties is getting ~€100,000 per annum TD salary and also ~€160,000 per annum pension even though he is not retired and isn't of pensionable age. And of course the chauffeur driven car and expenses, etc. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if he became President - there seems to be plenty of people in this country who don't really believe he won the money on a horse but they just don't care as he is is seen as so likable.
Who is advising our leaders ??? , do they just make titles up like "Financial Regulator" tell everyone we are running a tight ship of auditing and regulating all aspects of the Irish Economy ,stand up in Dial Eireann and berate those who stand or speak against the Banana Republic , suggest they commit sucide , when really we have...

Renagade free running Bankers
Passive regulation.
Clown Inc Auditing .
A shower of bare face Liers r t c
A practically bankrupt Country .
A run on PAYE workers to fill the gaping holes in our Puiblic Finances caused by all of the above .
A split and bitterness between Private & Public Workers which conveniently fits into Govt plans to recoup benchmarking given in previous months and title it " Pension levy"

And In my mind dont let anyone tell you its a Global problem , Yes there is a global credit crunch but this was coming down the river Global credit crunch or not .
It was a convenient time for this to happen the Irish Banks as they now have the excuse the needed ...."The World Economy is experience This ! "
He is not advising we commit suicide anymore. This quote was given from Berite this morning.

He said the country should “batten down the hatches for the next 12 months”.