Carer's Allowance and contract work


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I receive carer's allowance for looking after my father and the remnants of my part time job finished at the end of April with an email. This meant that I no longer had a way to pay the tax on my allowance but I held off doing anything about it until I got things sorted out with my employer. It all ended in tears and he's not speaking to me so I don't know what he did about the final P30 returns for 2012, if anything, and I haven't done my own P45 yet (I used to process the payroll) for fear of making mistakes that I couldn't correct. For the last couple of months I have been doing a few hours work on a 6 month contract basis because of the hiring ban and I think I'm supposed to be the equivalent of self-employed. I'm anxious to get my affairs with SW and Revenue sorted out and pay whatever tax I now owe. What's stalling me is that I'm 58 now and I've been lucky enough to always work when I wanted to so I've never claimed unemployment and have no experience of dealing with any of this. To say that I'm terrified of the future is a complete understatement. Even if I could go look for a new job, I'm tied with Dad and not yet stupid enough to believe that my age wouldn't have a bearing!

Quite honestly, I've been a bit down in the dumps about everything and the stress of caring for Dad tends to distract me from dealing with things when I should. I'm also worrying about what would happen if I can't cope with his needs any longer and he needs more skilled care in a NH. My allowance would cease shortly after that and goodness knows what age I'd be at then. Would I be eligible for any kind of assistance then or would I be treated as self-employed and have nothing? I want to pay my tax and my contributions for everything I owe but I have no idea what to expect and no idea at all about how to proceed from here.

I apologise if I don't make much sense but honestly, my head is in such a tizzy at this stage, I don't know which end is up. Any advice, at all, would be much appreciated.