Car Insurance help, water damage


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Hi All,

I am hoping someone can help. I have been insured with Quinn D for the last four years. I am 23 years of age, male, and have a full licence. I have no penalty points, no convictions not even a ticket against my name.

I was one of the unlucky few to get my car written off during the flood, it was under a few feet of water. The insurance company would only pay out 9k on a bmw 530d, I owe more than that on the car. (First set of bad news). It took sol letters and a call to the insurance regulator to get the 9k. Now I am being told I am loosing my full no claims and my Insurance will go from 800 comprehensive to 2900 tpft at my next renewal. (bad news 2)

Ive gone from a 20k car (Dream car that id saved for 2 years to buy), to a 5k car, lost my no claims and am now glued to QD, please help.

Is there anything I can do or has anyone had a similar experience and found an insurance company who are easier to deal with/deal with someone who had a claim?
You aren't necessarily stuck to Quinn. Have you rang around for other quotes, tried a broker etc?

Your best bet at this point would be XS direct (via a broker). The excess would be high(I'm talking thousands here, they only do comp cover and the car has to be over a certain value (over €5,000 in value or cars over 10 years old more than €10,000 in value) but it should be a lot less than 2900. however you don't say what make and model your new car is etc so it is hard to say.

*I have no affiliation with XS direct. i work in a brokers and have used them on occasion. Usually in cases like the OP. After you have a year or two built back up on your bonus and are a bit older I would recommend changing.