Best option for savings?


Registered User

Can anyone tell me the best options for gaining interest on €15,000? Currently my savings are in the credit union but, to date, I haven't really profited from interest.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Paul,

A lot of similar threads here so do a quick search should give you good results.

Have a look at at best buys lump sum deposits

- the best at the moment is Anglo at 4.75%, which is a great rate given the current ecb rate (Anglo haven't reduced their rate in line with the ecb reductions, unknow as to how long they will be able to continue such a great rate, but here hoping :) anyone on the inside hearing anything? )

- can you afford to tie up the money for a while? have a look at best buys for fixed term deposits.

(Anglo is now in state ownership so no real worries about its safety, loads on threads on that as well)