Bank details vs Scam


Registered User
I just received a text saying that there was a suspicious transaction going on and to follow the link. Of course I deleted it but I wonder even if I gave my details how can the scammers get into my account when I have to go through a procedure that involves me using an electronic gadget that I have from the bank and sends a code to me to log into my account. This is inclusive of using the old log in system which could possibly be hacked
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If they get your details, they are one step closer. The other security systems might have flaws - even maybe not directly but the systems they rely on might have a potential security hole.
So whilst it is very unlikely in your case to get into your account with the details, it is not per se impossible.

Security breaches and successful scam attacks are usually not just because of one thing or detail nowadays.
In any case, best to give attackers as little as possible.
Could be a middleman attack, you follow the link to the “fake site” while they copy your details on “real site”, set up whatever transaction they want, you generate the code on “fake site”, and they authorise the transaction on ”real site”