Irish Life Health Aviva Price Increase in September



Aviva are increasing their prices by 9.5% from September and over 90,000 existing customers will be affected

My renewal date is the 28th February 2012 - I assume my premium won't increase until then, providing I decide to renew with Aviva...?

Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
Hi wenders, that's correct. Your premiums won't change until your renewal, assuming you don't change your level of cover. Also, from reading [broken link removed], this increase only applies to customers of the plan called Level 2 Hospital.

One other thing to consider is that Aviva had a price increase back in March as well, so your renewal price next February will include both those increases and will be more than just the 9.5% in September. You should be notified of the new price a month before your renewal though.
Thanks for the info Nova! Had forgotten about that last price increase...damn!!
You can of course change renewal date to August and get premium of €941 for the coming year and qualify as existing customer for the future.
