Audit exempt CRO Info sheet 10

Bubbly Scot

Registered User
Can someone PLEASE help me? I need to read info sheet 10 from the CRO but every time I try to download it, my computer tells me it's corrupt. My annual return was returned to me because I hadn't listed the reasons I was claiming audit exemption. The letter said they had enclosed a leaflet explaining it..but ofcourse it wasn't there.

Can someone point me to an up to date link that has this info on it? I've found a few but no idea if they are current.
I never had a problem with the cro docs.
Try left clicking and doing file save as.

This is the page from my return last year that claims the exemption.
We, as Directors of XXXXXX Limited, state that:

(a) the company is availing itself of the exemption provided for by Part III of the Companies (Amendment)(No.2) Act, 1999;

(b) the company satisfies the conditions specified in Section 32 of the 1999 Act;

(c) the shareholders of the company have not served notice on the company in accordance with section 33(1) and (2) of the 1999 Act;

(d) we acknowledge the company’s obligations under the Companies Acts 1963-2003, to keep proper books of account and to prepare accounts which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the end of its financial year and of its profit or loss for such a year and to otherwise comply with the provisions of those Acts relating to accounts so far as they are applicable to the company;

(e) we hereby certify that we have relied on the specific exemptions contained in sections 10 and 12 of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1986 on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefits of those exemptions as a small company.

On behalf of the board

Did you tick the box on the B1 to confirm that you were claiming audit exemption ?

Also, given the easiness with which one can fall foul of audit exemption legislation, did you have an accountant prepare the returns and abridged accounts for you or did you do them yourself? If you had an accountant do this then the statutory information as given by hhhhhhhh above would have been o n the accounts already.
Thanks Hhhhhhh, I found something late last night and worked my way through it. I didn't include your point B as that wasn't applicable. I didn't put the "we as directors...." bit in though..and I posted it this morning...hope they're feeling obliging.

Graham, I have a bookkeeper who does most of the paperwork but try to do as much of it as I can myself. Thought I was doing well til that came winging back. The downside was, I didn't have much time to work it. I deal with CRO forms as part of my job but I think I might have overstretched myself a bit there.

But i know now for next year!

Thank you both, I appreciate the help.
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