Artificial Intelligence


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With such giants of the Tech sector as Billy gates and Elon Musk disagreeing about the future of the Planet if or when we create artificial intelligence my question is will we end up with human intelligence become worthless and only human creativity holding any value?
Kinda going that way already, say in Tech its the engineers who make the advances are the gold.

The whole blue collar thing will probably hit the skids, so may have to go the whole "Universal Income" route, SF will be delira......
Kinda going that way already, say in Tech its the engineers who make the advances are the gold.

The whole blue collar thing will probably hit the skids, so may have to go the whole "Universal Income" route, SF will be delira......
The first jobs to go will be stock and currency traders and most banking jobs. It's far easier and cheaper to write an algorithm than to get a robot to do small batch production.
With such giants of the Tech sector as Billy gates and Elon Musk disagreeing about the future of the Planet if or when we create artificial intelligence my question is will we end up with human intelligence become worthless and only human creativity holding any value? (This) looks like an interesting look into how long we'll truly remain as the humans we know today.
I think it's all over-rated to be honest. Some things will no doubt be automated, but then the shift will turn to ever more new ways for companies / individuals to find the edge.
With such giants of the Tech sector as Billy gates and Elon Musk disagreeing about the future of the Planet if or when we create artificial intelligence my question is will we end up with human intelligence become worthless and only human creativity holding any value?
I think Terry Pratchett put it best when he said "Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time"
I think it's all over-rated to be honest. Some things will no doubt be automated, but then the shift will turn to ever more new ways for companies / individuals to find the edge.

I think the automation discussion is a different one, but completely agree that as more jobs are automated, people will find new ways or making a living. Most of the major leaps in automation has resulted in more in employment, not less.

The AI discussion centers more around a belief held by some that AI will get to a point where it will become a threat to humanity's very existence.
The AI discussion centers more around a belief held by some that AI will get to a point where it will become a threat to humanity's very existence.

I agree. I think the main threat here will come from governments. Businesses are more interested in making money than killing people....afterall people are needed to buy stuff. Governments though have different objectives. Given that the Romans didn't bother with us, maybe we'll be alright here in good ole Ireland!
What concerns me with the trend is that the more "intelligent" machines become, the less people think about what is happening. We can already see it in certain walks of life (the first thing most car mechanics do these days is plug in the laptop and trust this to tell them what's wrong), the Little Britain "the computer says no" sketch springs to mind.
I'm also surprised at just how easily, freely and willingly people part with information (read data) to tech companies. The latest trend is with these smart home products such as Amazon Echo which are constantly listening. It's not a case of being paranoid or anything (although maybe many of you will disagree! :p ) but this is valuable data to tech companies, data they can mine for ways to enhance their offerings, and they're getting it all for nothing. It's the same thing that has been happening for years on social media I know but it's yet another intrusion that some are happy to accept without any concern.
It just occurred to me, the AI that will kill us all isn’t the one that is developed to run weapons systems, it’s the resentful one that we develop to read colonoscopies.