Any movement on Affordable Housing?


Registered User
I haven’t heard of anyone being offered places for a good while, I wonder are all the offers being held until closer to the election??
I was approved by Fingal about 5 months ago, haven’t heard anything since - not really expecting to hear anything for a few more months though...
Do not know what is happening in Dublin but here in Cork the council seem to have very little interest in pushing this.
We finished a developement over a year ago and we have finally forced the council to take over the section 5 houses. All the other houses have been lived in since Dec 04 but these have been lying idle.
I heard the head of the Affordable Homes Partnership on the radio during the week, he was saying that more properties will be available in 2007 than any year in the past - its a bit sus that 2007 is also an election year!