Anti-Social & Criminal Behaviour in Multi-Unit Developments - Market Research




I am a new Member on this bulletin board. I noted the substantial body of knowledge that is evident on this bulletin board in regard to Multi-Unit Developments and their Management Companies, and felt that this might be a good place to come to ask for assistance.

I am doing some market research in regard to trying to determine how prevalent (or otherwise) Anti-Social Behaviour (eg, Loud Parties late at night, etc.), and / or Criminal Behaviour is in Multi-Unit Developments throughout Ireland, the impact that such behaviour is having on the other Residents of such Multi-Unit Developments, and how other Residents react to such behaviour... and also whether Residents feel that Management Companies and Managing Agents react in an appropriate and effective manner in dealing with such behaviour.

If any Readers are interested in taking part in this research, I can be contacted at [email protected]. All information given by Respondees will be treated in strictest confidentiality, and is intended purely for research purposes. In any event, I can discuss any queries you may have if & when you contact me.

Thank you.
