Affordable housing in Cork monthly payback


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Just a query

a friend of mine has been offered a house in Cobh for €190,000 which is over €1000 a month under the Affordable housing Scheme
While it is very good

On our wages it is still out of reach on say a single persons gross wage

The thing is

Last year when i was just going back to work after sick leave

I Was told by a person in The county council

That u would\nt neccessarily pay a High repayment
They would take into account Credits for your sickness etc

now i do understand that they use Rent as a means of saving and ability to pay back the Mortage plus evidence of savings etc

But what was your wan on about

She gave me the impression that u would have only to pay back €600 at a minimum

I would assume these would be the Houses offered under the county council scheme as opposed to the Part V of the affordable housing Act ??
Was your wan just talking nonsense

I do understand u get nothing for nothing

but whats the point of applying for something that theres no point of getting into something that i wont afford with €1000 a month or there abouts