Affordable Houses in Tuairin Glas in Cork



Hi there, does anyone have any information regarding the AH in Tuarin Glas in CORK?
I have been offered a house there for 210,000 but would really like to research it first to see if it is viable purchase option.
Has any one heard anything negative or positive about this particular park??
Thanks a mill.
Re: Affordable Houses in Tuairin Glas

Apologies! Cork, near Ballincollig..
Hi layla1, I’ve been offered a house there too. I went to the viewing on Tuesday and they are a lot bigger on the inside than you’d imagine. As far as I know the estate is all social and affordable… no private because it’s managed by the council. There does seem to be a lot of empty units there though. With houses prices dropping everywhere it’s a big decision to make.
Just wondering if you went through with the purchase? Have been offered a house there myself and unsure as to what to do.
Have heard some bad reports from one source about Tuarin Glas - just wondering if anyone has heard the same or can back this up?
I decided not to take the house I was offered. The asking price of 220k was almost in-line with non-affordable houses in Ballincollig. Why tie myself to something for 20 years when I don’t have to.