Motor AA versus Breakdown Assist?


Registered User
Myself and Mrs. Squonk recently changed our cars and these cars come with breakdown assist. We have been with the AA for the past few years and have called them out a few times (hence why we have changed our cars!) and they were excellent. My question : is there any need to keep the AA membership? The membership is expensive at €215 but I also have car & house insurance through the AA where I get a discount apparently (not sure of the amount but I'd be really surprised if it amounted to anything close to €215).

Any insights? Is breakdown assist as good as what AA offer? I know AA cover the person not the car but that's not a huge issue. Thanks.
I'd check if the breakdown cover on your insurance has home start cover, if it does then I wouldn't see the benefit of having the two.
edit: oops just read your post properly....

in general, stripped down policies via insurance will literally pick up your car and bring it to the nearest garage.
more expensive policies will let you dictate where the car is brought.

I had a the full AA package at one time, and when my car broke down I had them bring it to my house, as my mechanic had no space for it.
When he did have space, they brought it from the house to the garage. No questions asked.