A Law forum similar to askaboutmoney.com for young solicitors/barristers in Ireland?



Hi there,

i just wonder if some of you know a forum like @www . askaboutmoney . ie@ for young solicitors or barristor in Ireland?

I just looking for some join venture and need that info, i spend aobut 2h to look up for google.ie or nothing came up,

Any idea guys where this forum can be?

cheers Uliar

p.s. coudl be for law students as well.
Re: A Law forum similar to askaboutmoney.com for young solicitors/barristers in Irela

there are many solicitors visiting this site, so why not post your query here?
Re: A Law forum similar to askaboutmoney.com for young solicitors/barristers in Irela

Hi Jack2009,

I just want to speak with some solicot or barristor to explain some idea that i have in my mind. Also i need to see some more info that in askaboutlaw on that side.

I just have some business offert to some solicotrs, but must be young and must take some risk, so this is why i looking for only forum for legal thinks.

Kind Regards
Re: A Law forum similar to askaboutmoney.com for young solicitors/barristers in Irela

If you have a business start up in mind. I can move the request to askaboutbusiness.


btw: could you spend a bit of time on your posts to make them more meaningful? Thanks