A good tribute band for a festival?


Registered User
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a good tribute band that would get the crowd going and keep them entertained at a festival? Oh, and that hopefully would not cost too much? :) Thanks.
I know a few great bands but would need a few more details:

What type of festival?
Age groups?
Where is it?
What is your budget?
Do you want a tribute band or some versatility in a covers band?
Hi Krissovo

Its a festival which we are trying to set on the street of a town with a population of around 900.
Age groups - ideally a tribute band that would cater for people of all ages. Kids to teenagers to .... (I know, a lot to ask!)
Its in the west of Ireland.
Budget is extremely tight this year. About Eur 1000.
Either a tribute band or a covers band. As long as they can get the audience going and keep them entertained.

For example last year the tribute band had kids dancing in front of the stage area and adults bopping all the way up the street.

Thanks for any help you can offer?
The Joe Dolan Tribute Band are very good - based in Westmeath.
Don't know how much they charge though.
Hi complainer, they were excellent but don't want to rehash the same line up as last year. Thanks for your reply Rois will look them up.
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