Key Post A financial advisor who specialises in advising families with children with special needs

Brendan Burgess

I had not come across these guys before they were mentioned in another thread, but it looks like a good service.

I have no idea whether they are any good or not.

If you have a child with additional needs, it is so important to help them reach their goals and make them as independent as possible.

We can guide you through the many positive steps parents can take to significantly improve their child’s future financial independence. With our expertise and by attending our Trust Planning Webinar we can guide every parent on:

  • How a Special Needs Trust will protect your child’s future
  • Why a Special Needs Bank Account is necessary
  • How to write a Letter of Wishes
  • Explain the importance of a Hospital Passport
  • How to choose the right Guardians and Trustees
  • How to build financial security for your child
  • How to fund a Trust from entitlements
  • Information on rarely claimed entitlements and tax credits
  • Strategies to create a brighter financial future
Hi Brendan. These guys are around a good while. I can only talk about my dealings with them…but I would say I had a good and helpful experience with them (a few years ago).
Used them 10 years ago and have gone back with a few different questions/queries over the years. Found them extremely helpful and very knowledgeable about the whole area.
Good guys, very professional and understanding, they speak from experience as their son has a disability - have set up a trust with them recently
A friend of mine has used him. He's a good guy.

The key issue is leaving assets for your child. You need to leave them in a trust for them as they won't have the capacity to look after their own finances. Also, those assets will be used when they are means tested for any benefits or care homes that they may need when you are no longer able to look after them. If their money is left in trust, it is not their money, so not used when they are means tested.

Steven (