3 day one week/5 day next week av 4 day week


Registered User
hubby just gone on short time..........one week three days, one week 5 days working out at 4 day week.......can anyone help as to what we are entitled to, he seems to think we might get some job seekers allowance but i understand from the website this only applies to three day week nt four, is it averaged out or do u just get paid for the days you are not in work ie 4 days per month?

any info/help greatly appreciated we have 6 kids and have NEVER been in this situation before.

Hi Marie,

The company I work for has done the same thing. We had the labour up to the job and were informed we were entitled to apply for casual labour benefit. You can only claim for the days you don't work but also the Sat of the three day week also. You can also claim for children if applicable. It's not worth a whole lot maybe 30 euro a day and I believe you're taxed on it!! We only had our first 3 day week this week so I haven't received a payment yet.

Hope the 3 day week doesn't last too long.
