22 thinking of future ie pension fund, something to fall on if an unforeseable event



hey there am new to this want some help please, im 22 and thinking of my future ie pension fund, something to fall on if an unforeseable circumstances and so on. any help please????
Re: help

Hi there

You should change the title of your thread in order to get responses - people need to know the subject matter from the thread title.

Re: help

Title changed to more fully reflect the question.

This is the social welfare subforum so you will find out here what the current state supports are.

If you want to find out more about providing for your financial future in general try reading some of the posts in money makeover section and post your question giving more background information.

Re: 22 thinking of future ie pension fund, something to fall on if an unforeseable ev

This should probobley be moved to the PRSA's & Pensions section.

kayleighw154, A pension is all about funding income lost at retirement (or Ill health early retirement). Its about preparing for the inevitable (ie retirement)

Trying to protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances is preparing yourself for the unexpected and would be more a life assurance, health insurance question.