2010 Tax Query for working in England


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I am presently a director of my own company and due to down turn I am working in Ireland in Jan/Feb 2010 and them under paye in England for the rest of the year.

How would I be treated for tax in 2010 tax return- Do I count both Irish 31/12/10 and England Income on return(up to 5/4/10)?

Do i get full use of tax band and tax credit
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Will you be resident in Ireland or the UK, or both?
Will you be working in the UK for a UK employer or an Irish employer?
Will you be commuting to the UK, or living there?
Will you be resident in Ireland or the UK, or both?
Will you be working in the UK for a UK employer or an Irish employer?
Will you be commuting to the UK, or living there?

for 2009 Irish Resident.

for 2010 will leave Ireland around February 2010 and live in uk for 10 months to 31/12/10

working in uk for uk employer.

I think I would be uk resident for the 10months?
It is likely that you will remain Irish resident for 2010, unless you are in Ireland less than 30 days in 2010. If so, you will be taxable in Ireland on your UK income in 2010, but with a credit for UK tax paid.

You could also be UK resident, but probably Irish resident under the treaty. You would therefore be taxed in the UK on UK arising income.

You will therefore have to complete tax returns both in Ireland and the UK for 2010.

However, if you leave Ireland for a good period of time, you may break Irish residence and may be able to claim split-year relief.