Strange intermittent problem with PC: taskbar on desktop not loading


Registered User
Running XP.

Windows starts as normal and the icons on the desktop appear but not the taskbar at the bottom - not even the clock or the start button.

Then, although the mouse can be moved, none of the icons are active so can't do anything. Ctrl/alt/del doesn't work so I have to turn off at the mains (which I understand is not a good idea).

Maybe have to do this 4 or 5 times until it starts normally - and when it does everything appears fine.

Ran a scan (McaFee - no problems) and ran PConPoint (registry/general PC health checker).

Then when I turn off, usually have to go through the same process again.

Any idea what's going on?
Have you tried

Also, rather than using the mains to turn off the PC, you can usually stop it by holding the on/off button down for about 5 secs or so - better than just cutting off the power.
Have you tried

Yes. It seems though that in all the instances mentioned, ctrl/alt/del is accessible - which provides other possibilities. I cannot use ctrl/alt/del.

Also, rather than using the mains to turn off the PC, you can usually stop it by holding the on/off button down for about 5 secs or so - better than just cutting off the power.

Ok, will bear that in mind.
Analyse what youve got running at startup too, might be something there. Run crap cleaner, go to tools and you can clean up the startup programs. you can do this from windows but crap cleaner is IMO nicer to use and should be using that anyway.
Several ways, if you have "crap cleaner", go to tools and you can clean up the startup programs.

google for same, small but excellent utility.

also google for "startup delayer" and configure that, you can dynamically set the time for when your startup programs actually start rather then at startup.
if you run that, manually start them 1 by 1, if you hang after starting one of them, youve found your cuplrit.
Do Start -> Run -> type 'msconfig' -> OK. Choose 'Selective Startup' and untick 'Load Startup Items'. If it reboots ok (a few times) then you'll know it's some startup item causing the issue. The msconfig 'Startup' tab can be used to select/deselect specific startup items.
OK, tried disk cleanup - no difference.

Tried unticking 'load start up items' under msconfig - no difference.

Also, I tried running system restore but it doesn't seem to be starting up - I get the message that it 'may take a few moments for the PC to collect info. etc' but from memory this should only take 2 or 3 minutes? left it for about 15 and it wasn't advancing.

So I'm wondering, if it isn't allowing system restore to run is it likely that this is a virus/trojan etc other than just a glitch?

On the other hand, if it was malware of some sort surely my PC wouldn't ever start up properly - but it does sometimes.

So, next step is maybe to download freeware to try and fix this - bearing in mind I'm on dial up, can anyone recommend something that isn't too big to download that might address this problem - and that won't conflict with McAfee?

Or any other recommendations as to what to try next?

Thanks to all so far.
Get an emergency recovery bootable CD for virus/malware checking and run this to see if there is anything untoward on the machine. Running such checks under Windows on an already infected machine is hit and miss. You'll have to Google to find useful tools. I did it recently but it took a bit of searching to find useful CD images (and it's easy to fine dodgy ones!) but I never noted down the links. Maybe start with the Ultimate Boot CD (Google it).
Haven't tried running 'last config. that worked' in safe mode yet so will try that. Then maybe I'll try the emergency bootable CD.


(Taskbar now freezes every time at this stage so impossible to run the PC normally)