Re: Offer Accepted-Next Step?
like you, I am in the middle of buying a house and am completely sick of the negative comments. I've spent the last no of years listening to people telling me I am mad to rent and should buy. As soon as I decide to buy, everyone tells me I am mad!
Truth is, if you've found the house that is right for you, then go ahead and buy - don't listen to other people. The house you want might not be for sale next year, you might not get a mortgage next year. I for one am sick of renting - I don't want to rent for another couple of years until the average house costs approx €20!!!! There is no stability in renting - having to move every 6 months cos the landlord wants to sell - the cost of servicing a mortage to have my own place is worth the stability of putting down roots and having a place of my own.
Basicically, once you pay your deposit to the estate agent, you need to get a solicior - the vendors contracts will be sent to them. You need to arrange a survey and if you got your mortage thru a broker, you need to get them to get the loan offer issued to you and your solicitor. Then you need to have house insurance and life insurance / mortage protection in place before the mortage co will issue your cheque - this may take a while to organise. Then you will be called into the solicitors to sign the contracts..........not sure after that!
Good luck with buying the house - and follow your own instinct. If its right for you now then be happy with your decision.