Re: Estate Agents Fee's
Oyster, I agreed to the offer because we need a quick sale and the offer was very close to the asking price, the timing is tight for us as the house we want would be ready is about 6 weeks and Mrs Bear needs to make some minor alterations before the works goes beyond allowing this. Our buyer also played hardball with the agent (although this is probably sales speak for I 'really really did earn my fee, I swear)
I dunno, to be honest previous attempts to sell our house failed miserably with no viewers, it really was pot luck that this chap arrived in on Saturday morning demanding a viewing that same day and me having to try and make it presentable after a 11 month old running riot. Took 2 hours without a female bears touch! She did bark orders at me over the phone though! The viewing took an hour and out emerged one estate agent with a big grin on his face!