Dave Vanian
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Can you sell half your home? Many people have bought homes with friends over the past few years. There is nothing to stop you selling half your home to a friend. This would reduce your mortgage dramatically
No - there is a good mix of both. In fact I reckon that there are more of the latter than the former. Even the "bankophiles"Having read through a good number of threads on Banking/Arrears issues, does anyone else feel that there are more Bankophiles here than people on the side of the consumers.
No disrespect to Brendan intended - but I believe that an average layperson reading that article, with the author's name removed, would be easily convinced that it was produced by a Bank. There seem to other disciples of the Banking Church here too.
The former. Certainly not the latter!Is this a consumer-focussed website or a Bank-influenced PR avenue ??????
Is this a consumer-focussed website or a Bank-influenced PR avenue ??????
I think this figure is misleading - a more accurate figure would be the number of repossession or mortgage suits that lending institutions bring against their clients.
Another point is that the number of actual repossessions is less than the number of "requested" repossessions - the Irish Courts are reluctant to enforce repossessions despite the lender requesting, and having grounds, for it.
I see a good few flaws. Including
If you have bought in the "last few years", you most likely have negative equity.
No disrespect to Brendan intended - but I believe that an average layperson reading that article, with the author's name removed, would be easily convinced that it was produced by a Bank. There seem to other disciples of the Banking Church here too.
Why is this a flaw? Selling half your house is going to be one of the options for some people.
One admin posting in his personal capacity as a regular user a single post defending the site (not Brendan - he can fight his own battles) from ridiculous insinuations and accusations is a rush?!Wow... it is impressive to see the rush of Administrators (Clubman) and stalwarts to Brendan's side. I didn't intend to launch a personal attack on him - just express my opinion on the impression the article gave.
Who ever said or implied that?It's just that sometimes ( as today) it can seem that people jump down your throat for not toeing the party line (consumers in default are useless headers who should lie prostrate at Banking altar).
Not really sure what your precise point is here?We all know its a tough world out there - one manifestation of this is when you are in financial difficulty. The other personal finance blog I am active now, an American one, has a much more human feel to it... I guess I am wrong in automatically expecting the same here ....
OK, I admit it. All the work over the past 20 years on behalf of consumers was just to lull them into a false sense of security. I am really paid a substantial retainer by a consortium of banks, brokers, insurance companies, building societies (especially), auctioneers, international property salesmen, government regulators, sub-prime lenders, money lenders, the Revenue, stockbrokers and sellers of investment products to elderly people to promote their interests surreptitiously.
AIB slump clips wings of €1m clubWealthy shareholders suffer losses
THE number of "millionaire" Irish shareholders in AIB has nearly halved in less than three months, as the bank's share price tumbled.....
Other well known big shareholders include [broken link removed], chairman of the Financial Services Consumer Panel and financial website, [broken link removed].
One admin posting in his personal capacity as a regular user a single post defending the site (not Brendan - he can fight his own battles) from ridiculous insinuations and accusations is a rush?!
Why is this a flaw? Selling half your house is going to be one of the options for some people.
The following, if not attacks, are at least loaded comments rather than just opinions in my view:If expressing an opinion on an article is an attack on the site (requiring "defending the site") perhaps you are a bit over-protective of your baby and should let the rational contributors have space to give air to their opinions. I have no desire to fight a "battle" with anyone. I have my hands full at the moment
Its just that Brendan's article is almost exactly what I would expect to hear from an arrears guy in a Bank. And, please, I am not doubting Brendan's integrity or the fact he has worked for 20 yrs on behalf of consumers...
Having read through a good number of threads on Banking/Arrears issues, does anyone else feel that there are more Bankophiles here than people on the side of the consumers.
No disrespect to Brendan intended - but I believe that an average layperson reading that article, with the author's name removed, would be easily convinced that it was produced by a Bank. There seem to other disciples of the Banking Church here too.
Is this a consumer-focussed website or a Bank-influenced PR avenue ??????
I don't think that anybody here, including Brendan, would disagree with that in spite of the alleged bias you seem to perceive with the site and contributors.I am just saying to defaulters... try to work out a solution that least harms you and your family's long-term future rather than leaving yourself destitute by signing over everything you own to the bank.
Once again these seem like mealy mouthed comments designed to stir up controversy rather than actual genuine opinions designed to tease out the issues.I think I am not used to amount of moderation/admin/policing input that is involved on this site... I think I may be better off on my American site where people with an interest in personal finance exchange ideas rather than being accused of battling because they don't learn by rote from Mr Admin.
Not sure what exactly you mean by "human feel" sounds like a euphemisms for people posting warm fuzzy feelings and other fluff rather than actually discussing and teasing out what may be difficult and tricky issues. If that's what you prefer then perhaps your other site is a better place for you alright?My precise point relating to a more human feel on the American site....
I never called people in this situation headers. I was referring to the small minority of people who for some reason believe all sorts of conspiracy theories about the site and the motivations of people who run it and contribute to it.is that you find a lot of people in the same boat as yourself who share the daily trials and tribulations of trying to get out of debt - you are not judged to be a header nor are you simply fed brochures that banks would give to you about getting out of debt.