Just some advice in regards to interest rates for existing mortgage borrowers.
The first piece of advice would be to always be aware of what interest rate you are paying on your mortgage. If you are unsure contact your lender to find out.
Expiry of Fixed or Tracker Rates
When a fixed rate or a discount tracker rate expires, alot of lenders will automatically put you on their variable interest rate, which in alot of cases is one of their higher interest rates. The lenders will write to you informing about the expiry of the fixed or tracker rate and the interest rate switch, but it can be easy to forget to do anything on it.
The result is that you pay the higher interest rate until you do something about it, so make sure to do something about it.
When fixed or tracker rates expire, examine what interest rate options are available to you with your lender, and choose the interest rate most suitable for your situation.
LTV Rates
Alot of the lenders offer different interest rates depending on the Loan to Value ratio of your mortgage (mortgage v's value of the property).
Review the interest rates on offer from your lender, and if you feel that you can avail of one of these LTV rates from your lender, contact your lender directly and discuss these options with them. Find out exactly what value do they require on your house to qualify for these rates.
If you qualify, your next step is to get a valuation carried out on your house (cost = c-€127) by a valuer who is on the lenders panel of valuers, a drive by valuation may do.
Forward this valuation to the mortgage lender, and provided they are happy with the valuation, you should be eligible for the LTV rates.
I hope this information is of assistance,
Alan Dolan
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Just some advice in regards to interest rates for existing mortgage borrowers.
The first piece of advice would be to always be aware of what interest rate you are paying on your mortgage. If you are unsure contact your lender to find out.
Expiry of Fixed or Tracker Rates
When a fixed rate or a discount tracker rate expires, alot of lenders will automatically put you on their variable interest rate, which in alot of cases is one of their higher interest rates. The lenders will write to you informing about the expiry of the fixed or tracker rate and the interest rate switch, but it can be easy to forget to do anything on it.
The result is that you pay the higher interest rate until you do something about it, so make sure to do something about it.
When fixed or tracker rates expire, examine what interest rate options are available to you with your lender, and choose the interest rate most suitable for your situation.
LTV Rates
Alot of the lenders offer different interest rates depending on the Loan to Value ratio of your mortgage (mortgage v's value of the property).
Review the interest rates on offer from your lender, and if you feel that you can avail of one of these LTV rates from your lender, contact your lender directly and discuss these options with them. Find out exactly what value do they require on your house to qualify for these rates.
If you qualify, your next step is to get a valuation carried out on your house (cost = c-€127) by a valuer who is on the lenders panel of valuers, a drive by valuation may do.
Forward this valuation to the mortgage lender, and provided they are happy with the valuation, you should be eligible for the LTV rates.
I hope this information is of assistance,
Alan Dolan
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