North Circular Road area near Phoenix Park


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Does anyone have any thoughts on the NCR near Phoenix Park?

There are some grand old homes there and was curious what it would it be like to live there. In particular, I would be interested in how safe the area is, is it a good place for small kids (including nearby schools), etc.

In other words, the usual stuff!

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

Used to live there off the North circular as you head down Oxmantown Road. Wasn't great. Fine if you are single, but to be honest you are very near O'Devaney Gardens a huge council estate. There was one shop top of Oxmantown Road near the Nth circular I was kind of afraid to go into even in daytime, and the other shop was constantly under hassle from the local 'youth' and they had to have a guy standing at the door every evening. The tyres on our street were all slashed in a frenzied attack and several times we heard people running over our roofs. Several old ladies who lived there all their lives were living in terror of the local kids. Someone tried to pull the door off my sisters car in broad daylight. Like go around there at 10pm and see what you think, take a walk through O'Devaney Gardens. The bottom half of Oxmantown Road near Stoneybatter would be better. Oh yes and the local kids (and I mean not more than aged 10 or 11) would be 'snogging' on our car, but we'd be afraid to tell them to go for fear of a banger through the letterbox or worse. Schools don't know, we got out of there as soon as we had a child that was always our plan. But hey, it's very handy for town and the Phoenix Park is just up the road. Call into the local police station and ask their advice, even about a specific street you have in mind.

Perfect...that's exactly what I needed to know!

I think we may look elsewhere (we drove out there yesterday, and saw a bit of what you talked about)...

If you are looking for somewhere close to the Park and safe for kids etc I think you should be looking at some of the following roads:

The Paddocks
Darling Estate
Villa Park
Nephin Road
Skreen Road (and Ardpatrick Rd, etc)
Glenbeigh Road

All roads off Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7 and all close to good schools, sports clubs etc and v safe. Not too far from town either with good public transport.
Try to stay to the northside of NCR if you can. I lived for a long time in the Ellesmere Avenue area, whcih is close to Hanlon's Corner and opposite Drumalee estate.

Drumalee is quite settled and the worst I ever got was younger children shouting 'Hey mister' after me - the older guys play a lot of football and aren't much interested in the many passers by. Halloween is very loud!!

The area - particularly the NCR itself has a lot of rented accommodation, not all of it in fabulous condition, though the street itself does not seem in any way unsafe. there are always people walking on it and plenty of passing traffic.

I experienced and have seen a lot of car breakins tho - not pretty if not particularly serious. I'd suggest a good car alarm.

Access to the park is brilliant (my main reason for choosing there), 25minutes on foot to the City Centre via Stoneybatter and Smithfield, 15minutes to Heuston Station and a quick escape in the car to the M50 via Old Cabra Road, Tolka Road and the N2.

I would stay away from the Oxmanstown Road area though as the previous poster has said, there is a bit of an element and its very close to O'Devaney Gardens - which is due incidentally for a very extensive redevelopment.
Can anyone who knows Dublin comment on the safety of living on North Circular Road, just around the corner from Infirmary Road at the Phoenix Park end?

Personally as a bloke I wouldnt choose to live there. And i definitely would not be walking around there at night on theses dark evenings. A little too close to O'Devaney Gardens for my liking!
delgirl - I have lived exactly where you describe for over three years and I love the area. I walk up Infirmary road from the Luas and have never had a problem. The 46A starts right at the top of Infirmary road and there is loads of other buses at the bottom of Infirmary road. There is the odd undesirable about like everywhere in Dublin but I don't bother them and they don't bother me. Female also.
delgirl - I have lived exactly where you describe for over three years and I love the area. I walk up Infirmary road from the Luas and have never had a problem. The 46A starts right at the top of Infirmary road and there is loads of other buses at the bottom of Infirmary road. There is the odd undesirable about like everywhere in Dublin but I don't bother them and they don't bother me. Female also.
Thanks for that - it's a flat my son wants to go look at - I don't know Dublin at all and am trying to help him find somewhere reasonably safe!

The flat is here - it looks okay for a first time home-away-from-home and if you click on the Map View, it's just around the corner from Infirmary Road.
Looks like it's been let.

One would certainly need at least a bit of street smarts in this area, and I'm not 100% sure I'd be happy to suggest it to a mother as completely safe for her darling son.

Stoneybatter would be a much better bet - any of the roads around Manor Place or nearby are very quiet with a nice vibe and a mix of young renters and established residents. However, not many are subdivided into "studio apartments", if that's what's required.

If you PM me some requirements, I could make some further suggestions.
Absolutely no way would I live there - and I live in Blanchardstown and walk down O'Connell St regularly. It is a very much drugged up area. That's what ads for NCR always say city end or town end.
It's all relative really. Some people will have a higher threshold for the characteristics of a certain area. If you were completely new to Dublin it might be a bit of a culture shock. Of course, that depends on where you're coming from and what your expectations are.
I think some people notice more than others, or are lucky enough not to see/experience any trouble.