Cork GAA dispute?

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Registered User
I may have missed it but haven't noticed any thread on the strike by Cork GAA players. Is there any Cork people out there with a view? I'm not from Cork but am told it is the only talking point down there at the moment. The remainder of the country are wondering what are the main issues. Anybody prepared to contribute their views?
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Thay are keeping quite in case anyone asks them for their season tickets :D
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Look on the bright side.... it opens up the championship to other hopefuls and wannabes :p
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Can anyone remember back to the 1970's when Cork GAA collectively shot themselves in the foot over Addidas gear. I know nearly 40 years later they are still laughing at them in Kerry!
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Can anyone remember back to the 1970's when Cork GAA collectively shot themselves in the foot over Addidas gear. I know nearly 40 years later they are still laughing at them in Kerry!

Plenty of All Irelands won since then though :D
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

i "think" it's really about the manager not being able to pick his own back room team...rather like the football managers in soccer bringing in their own assistants etc..
to be honest the cork board, should be letting the team matters and selections down to the manager, and not having Frank Murphy, of the board, trying to control everything that goes on in cork Gaa...
bit silly alright, but if alot of the selectors are city based, then i can see it harder for the country boys being picked for the panels....... he saga continues :)
kerry might win this year :)
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

There has been an awful lot said in the press about Managers, selectors and players dictating etc etc but what the whole issue boils down to is that the Cork County Board is run similar the Soviet Union in the 1950s. There is one man at its head and what ever he decides is endorsed by his Politburo.
Until this dictator is removed there will always be agitation between the players and the County Board. If it wasn't the manager/selector issue it would be something else.

Moderator Note: A post comprising of unattributed copyrighted material taken directly from a recent Irish Independent article.
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Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Thanks for above The Banker. I was ignorant of the facts but you have outlined them for me. It is such a pity it was allowed to come to this. It will have to be sorted out sooner or later. You indicate if Mr. Holland stepped down it would be solved. I wonder is it as easy as that? Could the hurlers have continued as normal and leave the protest to the footballers? Pity to see both teams on strike.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Thanks for above The Banker. I was ignorant of the facts but you have outlined them for me. It is such a pity it was allowed to come to this. It will have to be sorted out sooner or later. You indicate if Mr. Holland stepped down it would be solved. I wonder is it as easy as that? Could the hurlers have continued as normal and leave the protest to the footballers? Pity to see both teams on strike.

Teddy Holland stepping down will get the players back playing but in my opinion this will only paper over the cracks and the situation runs deeper.
The hurlers were always going to back the footballers because at the end of the 2008 season Gerald McCarthys tenure ends and a new manager would be appointed with selectors appointed by the county board.

The crux of the matter lies in the fact that the Cork County Board is the most conservative in the country and the Cork players would be the most radical in the country. Donal Og Cusack is a very vocal leader who won't settle for second best when it comes to preparation for matches where as the Cork County Board have an attitude that it will be alright on the night.

I should add that I would be a strong supporter of the players actions and I hope they break the power of the County Board but Cork supporters appear to be split down the middle saying that the players should be playing and have no say in how the team is picked, train, run etc... and that there are many more players who would love to play for Cork under any circumstances.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Excellent post Banker.
It appears that Murphy et al will push this and then try and blame the squads for any sanctions that Croke Park level.

IMHO sadly there may be a lot of officals out there, particularly in Munster and probably the rest of Ireland that would not be pro individuals on the Cork County Board, but they would still side with them against the players.
They would probably feel the players are getting uppidy and this type player power together with the demands from the GPA, including some of it's prominent members involved in the strike, would need to be stamped out.

As Donal O'Grady pointed out Holland is still manager but he is a manager without a team.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

The whole thing is a mess and I can't see how it is going to be sorted. One important point is that this is not just about the players versus the county board and Frank Murphy. The players own clubs have come out and gone against the them so you would imagine the grassroot support for the County Board stance is pretty strong.

I think a manager should be allowed pick who they want as selectors but having said that the players have no right to strike over the issue. If they don't like the situation they can walk away from inter-county football and hurling until the situation changes instead of basically puting a picket line in place and stopping anyone else playing for their County.

The Cork players were quick to support Frank Murphy when he was rightly critisised for using every trick in the book for getting Cork players suspensions reduced or lifted. Now they want his head.

I personally hope the County Board stand firm because as much as I don't agree with the move with regard to the selectors, I think the players have come across as childish, vindictive, spoilt prima donnas that are a disgrace to everything that the GAA is supposed to stand for. Not that the County Board are much better.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

The Cork GAA dispute explained in 10 easy steps....

1 What is this strike really about?
Power. You can't dress it up any other way. ...
10 What happens next?

...After last nights Prime Time programme both sides seem equally entrenched with regard to Teddy Holland staying/going as manager.

When you posted this, you should have told us that you had lifted this content directly from a recent Irish Independent article.
Such blatant plagiarism is forbidden by the posting guidelines.
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

The real question is why are Cork people so Bolshie? ;)
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Ain't called the Rebel County for nothin' ya know!
Re: Any Cork GAA people registered with AAM?

Yea, but there’s a difference between rebelliousness and plain old belligerence...
If the players don't want to play they should shag off and let someone else do it.
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