Damaged Ipod


Registered User
Looks like Mrs Q might have accidentally stepped on my 1st gen Ipod nano :mad:- as a result, the display is damaged - it is now split in 4 quadrants, with just one part of the screen readable. It's obviously impossible to use, although it still charges and transfers to / from PC, as well as playing songs (if you can guess what part of the menu you're on!).

This crowd www.iresq.com (based in the US - checking if they'll ship to Ireland) look good, charging about $79 for a new screen, making it it almost worth considering. Anyone any idea of an outfit in Ireland, although it's unlikely they'd be above to do it for this price.... and with a latest 3rd gen costing €149, it might just end up as an expensive memory stick...
If it was me I'd probably replace it especially since the battery will eventually give out (stop holding a charge) sooner or later anyway - and probably sooner if it is the original battery and was never replaced - requiring another possibly expensive service.
I would try doing it directly with Apple. I had a problem with mine and logged it with them - they get back to you to tell you its covered or not and give the price. The whole service was very impressive and I had it back fixed within 4 days
ok, thanks for that - any idea on price? Mine is only a 4gb bnano, but with a brand new shiny 4gb nano going for €149, it might be more econimical to replace.

I Might also take the plunge and go for another type of MP3 player - being readinh a bit abot the Zune and Zen - seem to get more GB for the same money. Anyone any thoughts?
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You can check the warranty of your iPod here.
With regard to Zune/Zen, I prefer iPods (their one major disadvantage is the lack of a radio). I do not think that the Zune's are available here yet, but my brother has one with about 12 months or more - has had no problems with it and it has a bigger screen (good for watching movies) than the non-iTouch models of iPod - that said the Zune's are much chunkier when compared to the iPods. Initially they were meant to be available here in November 07 - have not heard the reason why they are not yet available - might be worth checking up!
[broken link removed]

I have bought a display and a hard disk for an iPod from this ebayer, you get the tools to open it. Not too difficult....worth a go for about €20